Monday, 11 March 2013

21 Things Before 21

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you'll know that this past weekend was my birthday weekend where I magically transformed from a teenager to an adult (this is of course, sarcasm, except I did get a full fringe!). Being 20 hasn't really felt that different (yet), so I've decided to shake things up a bit and set myself some adventures and challenges for over the course of the year. I'll keep you updated as to when I tick things off the list - here goes!

1. Sleep under the stars
Well, I've never slept outside without a tent before...
2. Get the next plane train to anywhere
Planes are a little out of my budget right now!
3. Buy a lottery ticket
I never have, and it could just be my lucky day
4. Graffiti
Watch out, I might be the next Banksy
5. Get my fortune told
I don't believe in fortune tellers, but it'd be fun
6. Live a month without TV
I'm pretty sure I'd get a lot more done
7. Knit something worthwhile
I'd love to become a prolific knitter (granny-ish, perhaps...)
8. Paint a picture and hang it
I've painted before, but never hung anything
9. Become a better chef
Moving to France = learning French cuisine
10. Karaoke
I'm so shy about my singing voice!
11. Send a message in a bottle
Someone might stumble across it someday
12. Take up meditation
I really think it'd be good stress relief
13. Give blood
Possibly the scariest challenge, but I would love to do it
14. Complete my novel
It's been ages! I apologise!
15. Eat a steak
Never ever had steak. Ever ever.
16. Stay in a five star hotel
Yes please!
17. Stay in a one star hotel
For the comparison!
18. Disappear from Facebook
Forever and ever. I hate Facebook.
19. Read LOTS
I ought to read more. In French and English.
20. Volunteer
Do something charitable
21. Commit random acts of kindness
We'll see how these come along over the year...


  1. That's a great list! I hope you can do all these things before 21 :)


  2. I must say, hopefully in an entirely respectful way, you look absolutely, positively gorgeous with your fringe as above.

  3. Hello!

    Just found your blog. I really love your style of writing even just in a quick post like this. I will be back for sure! <3

    xxx Brooke

  4. I think maybe I should write a book too. Good list, inspirational.

    How about following each other? Let me know on my blog!


  5. You've never had steak?! I just died a little inside. haha fun list, cute blog!
    Now following :)

  6. that's a great list! i think i might add 'disappear from facebook' to my 25 before 25 list too.
