Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Beach House: Myth
A week or so ago, I stumbled back over Beach House's amazing album, Teen Dream and from there I then also stumbled over this - there's no better word for it - dreamy free download. In the time it's been between forgetting the album and re-finding it, the band has released their fourth album, Bloom; Myth being the first track on it.
And what an entrancing track it is... more and more, their music aligns itself with a soundtrack plucked from a melancholic dream, one that ends in a startled, even tearful rebirth into reality. Less of a song, more of an enrapturing experience.
By signing up to their mailing list here, you too can get your hands on this phenomenal start to The Free Download Series.
Monday, 29 April 2013
The Free Download Series
So it's coming up to that time of year where us students are cramming our brains full of all the ideas we've learnt over the last year, and I for one am
On the one hand, it's really hard work, but on the other is that golden shiny reward feeling of getting through it and knowing everything's gonna be okay. That and the fact my year-and-a-bit stay in Paris is just over a month away.
In the meantime however is the question of music. Some people revise really well to music and with that in mind I think it's time I unveil Bonjour Mademoiselle's Free Download Series.
Over the next two weeks, I'm going to be posting a new Free Download each day, available to everyone - just look for the banner above. Whether it be artists I've written about, bands I follow on Twitter, or newsletters I've signed myself up to, I've collected quite a few lovely little freebies that I think you might enjoy too.
It's a well-oiled student philosophy that in fact, quite a lot of things in this world are free... you've just got to know where to look and/or be a complete charmer. So, to all of you revising, or simply hunting the best things in life, I hope you enjoy the next few blog posts!
Friday, 26 April 2013
Camera Obscura: Do It Again
They do indeed Do It Again... the (sometimes overly) sickly sweet vocals of Traceyanne Campbell return with the cheery indie pop that Camera Obscura is so famous for. The release comes with news of a new album, Desire Lines, hitting the shelves (or, in a more boring world, the shiny MP3 download buttons) at the start of June this year. Like their previous album, it may be more of an indulgence to listen to one or two tracks at a time rather than the whole record in one go, much like a box of chocolates. For now, savouring this sweet track will be enough to keep me going 'til the full release...
Sunday, 21 April 2013
La foi dans la mode
Ellie from La foi dans la mode got in touch a little while ago about a Liebster Award - thank you Ellie. Here are my responses from her questions, which you might find interesting too!
1. Favourite piece of clothing?
It's got to be a dress - probably my black and cream ASOS skater dress I got for my birthday, I really love wearing it. Sadly it's now only being stocked in maternity, but if you're preggers, I would heavily recommend it!
2. First blog you ever followed?
Design*Sponge has got to be the first proper blog I followed - without really knowing what a blog was at that point!
3. Your claim to fame?
I once got into a bit of a fight with Theo Paphitis on Twitter over his misuse of the English language. The backlash was something else... in my defence, I didn't know he was dyslexic!
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Cheap as Chips
So I'm trying to tone up in two ways, the first of which is by eating healthier. My aims are to eat five pieces of fruit and veg everyday, cut back on snacks (mainly the sneaky crisps and chocolate) and drink a lot of water.
Right now, I'm at the point where a glass of water is like my phone; I feel lost without one. But the water goal is easy; water's free. Even in my uni, there are drinking water taps (if you know where to find them, and keep a bottle handy!). The bit I'm struggling with financially is the eating element.
Fruit and veg is so expensive! £2 for 4 apples is not good value, Tesco! It takes me long enough to work out how much an individual apple costs because of the bizarre mixture of "by weight"/"by apple" pricing, let alone earn the money to afford them. Why would anyone go to such lengths to buy an apple anyway? Especially when you can ditch the whole apple idea and buy 12 packets of crisps is £2.50 - whereas 12 apples would cost you over £5?
In circumstances such as these, I get crazily fed up with supermarkets. Give us back our greengrocers and independents! "Every little helps" is not applicable when junk food is as cheap as chips (a pun that beautifully illustrates my point). I hope the good people at the Bank of Students know why we're all into our overdrafts... we're trying to be healthy!
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Relay for Life!
Yay! This will be the first tick on my 21 before 21 list, and I'm really proud to be doing it for such a wonderful cause.
Every year my university sets a Relay for Life course around campus and this year I've joined up with a team of people from the SU to run a total of 24 hours between us. All the money we raise will go straight to Cancer Research UK, a charity very close to my heart.
I'm going to keep this bit short and sweet, as I really don't like being hindered for money, and so to avoid being a hypocrite, I'm simply going to put my sponsor link HERE. I'm still going to run around and donate my money whether I get sponsors or not, but I didn't want to miss this opportunity.
Thank you for even reading this blog or looking at the photo, as that in itself raises awareness.
Every year my university sets a Relay for Life course around campus and this year I've joined up with a team of people from the SU to run a total of 24 hours between us. All the money we raise will go straight to Cancer Research UK, a charity very close to my heart.
I'm going to keep this bit short and sweet, as I really don't like being hindered for money, and so to avoid being a hypocrite, I'm simply going to put my sponsor link HERE. I'm still going to run around and donate my money whether I get sponsors or not, but I didn't want to miss this opportunity.
Thank you for even reading this blog or looking at the photo, as that in itself raises awareness.
- B x
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Dan Croll: Compliment Your Soul
This song is very much out of the blue - I've never heard of Dan Croll before, but as soon as this danced its way into my ears I knew I had to share it. Both the song and the video are a bizarre but intriguing mash up of styles, and with the sugary-sweet lyrics (what are you after, Dan?!), I'm going to keep my eyes (and ears!) peeled for more of Dan's music. You've got yourself a new fan, in the shape of me!