Even if the egg-shaker guy steals the show,
Alex Winston's Choice Notes is definitely an infectious-smile kinda song.
Sister Wife, her "debut mini-album", may be a bit too sugary-sweet for my liking, with the title track's lyric "you don't know the way to his hear-ar-ar-ar-at" very reminiscent of (dare I say it), Disney's Enchanted, but it's a happy little six track EP that'll keep you dancing (around the T K Maxx dressing room, if nothing else...)
Oh, I apologise for my flippancy. Perhaps it is branching off my usual tastes, but having first discovered her through live sessions online a few months ago (both Watch Listen Tell and La Blogotheque have snapped her up) she is talented, even if I do prefer the stripped down versions. However, if you like the recorded music more and want a free snippet of her album, visit her website
here and donate your e-mail address to download "Don't Care About Anything". In fact, it's debatably the closest to stripped down on the album. You decide.